A global sandbox for the leaders of our future

 19-20 NOVEMBER 2021

The Future Leaders Network’s Annual Conference is a 2-day summit designed to equip the next generation of leaders with the skills needed to succeed.

We’ll prepare you for the future of work and help you turn your ambition to create change in the workplace, your community, and the world, into reality.

You’ll have the chance to interact with leading figures in the world of business, politics, academia, leadership, and social impact, and grow your network.

The Conference also offers an opportunity to experience our Academy, where you will take part in interactive workshops to develop your leadership skills and learn from our experienced facilitators.

In 2020, hundreds of young leaders bought our virtual conference to life - secure your place at the 2021 Conference now - and lock in 2020 pricing before the end of December!


Why are we doing this…

During the pandemic, young people and professionals have been robbed of development opportunities and leadership experience. This is why the Future Leaders Network is announcing our Annual Conference so you can up-skill from home!

Be prepared for your next leadership opportunity by engaging in our workshops as part of the launch of our FLN Academy, and network with world leading experts in global citizenship, the world of work, business, and social impact.

The conference will give you the chance to share your views on the most pressing issues of the day- We at the FLN recognise the power of bringing together young leaders to create change in the world.

With the FLN hosting the Y7 Summit in London 2021, this conference will give you all the information you need to become a delegate, and learn more about the Y7 and Y20 Summits from our current delegation!

<span>Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@lachlangowen?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Lachlan Gowen</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/city?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;u…


There are three ways to enjoy this conference and each is unique in the value it provides.

1) Speakers and panels
2) Academy
3) Networking

<span>Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@miguel_photo?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Miguel Henriques</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/audience?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referra…

Speakers and panels



<span>Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@alinnnaaaa?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Alina Grubnyak</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/network?utm_source=unsplash&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp…


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Conference Team